Do you consider yourself an Ageless Provocateur for the new SoAgeless lifestyle? Here are some of the ways in which I consider myself one:
In 2010, I created my Facebook page, Over 50 & Irresistible, with the tagline, “The Art of Being Ageless!” There were very few women talking about “over 50” issues, so I was inspired to create change and start the ageless movement. I wasn’t purposefully advocating against an ageist society or trying to be a guru, I simply wanted to inspire others to get the conversation going through my philosophical, ageless scribblings about celebrating the over 50 life!
I observed then, and continue to see, strong “Self-Ageism” in people turning 50, and of course the ageist society surrounding that outlook as well… one mirroring the other! Now I want to start an aging disruption movement called: Stop Self-Ageism! Tune out the ageist society and change your own reality!
I’ve just launched this SoAgeless website and blog to spread the message: Act your Ageless! Enough with the “age number-bashing” or “apology rhetoric.” Let’s live the SoAgeless life!
Part of my SoAgeless mission is to inspire the over 50 woman to have a “Kind Mirror”. Everyone should have an internal, non-judgmental Kind Mirror to look into. Reflection comes from within!
I always enjoy reminding the over 50 woman that a smile has a boomerang effect, and it’s contagious! Plus, smiling is the best face-lift a girl can have. Humor and laughter are the best soul-lift.
“Life is what happens while aging” is one of my favorite Gigi-isms. Gigi-isms are quotes that come to me as I am inspired by topics of life over 50, and they have been so much fun to come up with! They reinforce my SoAgeless bravado!
To master the art of being SoAgeless is all about attitude. It’s an art to live life in an ageless way, and I believe that applies to ANY age.
I encourage others to keep falling in love as if for the first time. Why dwell on past hurts? Love is in the present. Love over 50 is no different. Love is ageless!
I refuse to age gracefully, instead I age grate-fully and meaning-fully – and all the while with fun and attitude!
I find joy and freedom in living the SoAgeless life. Over 50 is a time to live… agelessly!
Gigi Schilling is the Founder of SoAgeless, her online residence. A place that inspires you to Act your Ageless! Gigi is 58 and considers herself ageless. She loves to laugh, wear high heels, and be a curvaceous size 10. She is never bored because life is a wonder. It is her joy to welcome you into her SoAgeless world!
Want to show the world how you’re an Ageless Provocateur? Send us your story! Email with a picture, 1-2 sentence bio, and your social media links. We like stories to be between 300 and 800 words, but that’s just a guideline!