I refuse to apologize for growing OLDER. For me, turning 50 was a celebration! When I created my personal Facebook page after I turned 50, I was proud to state my FULL birth date: July 4, 1958. I was surprised when people would tell me that I was courageous for doing so, especially being a woman!
Similarly, when I also created the ~ Over 50 & Irresistible ~ Facebook page, people wanted to celebrate it by saying, “50 is the new 30”! My reaction was, “NO! Let’s call it what it truly is: 50 is the new 50!”
Let’s stop living in denial. Instead, the right attitude is to celebrate the simple and profound act of living… being grateful to live life at any age! Being SoAgeless is what it’s all about!
How about you? Are you ageless? What do you have to celebrate now that you’re over 50? Share your story!